13 years of experience in the field of mental health:
CBT Therapist in private practice providing individual psychotherapy / private practice to clients struggling with anxiety, phobias, OCD, PTSD, low mood, self-esteem issues, stress and relational difficulties
CBT Therapist working with clients struggling with anxiety and mood disorders, providing individual and group therapy, supervising CBT students as well as crisis duty support for staff / National Health Service, UK
Trainer and facilitator of social skills, creativity and employability skills workshops / OSKiU, Poland
Multi-Systemic Therapist working with families struggling with children's and adolescents' anti-social behaviour / the Brandon Centre, UK
Crisis intervention duty worker at Mental Health Helpline / MOPS, Cracow
Facilitating a support group for women affected by domestic violence / OSKiU, various locations, Poland
Psychologist / Pedagogical Daytime Support Children's Centre, Cracow, Poland